In the heart of Santiago de Compostela, a unique corner emerges: O Cotiño, where the essence of grocery stores merges with traditional architecture, seeking innovative solutions without losing the memory and traditions rooted in the Galician soul.
The design of O Cotiño, a respectful intervention, is based on the visual richness of our land, intertwining nostalgia and modernity, extending this philosophy to graphics and brand identity. The wrought iron structures abstractly transport us to the vineyards planted in our grandparents’ homes. The furniture, developed according to an specific modulation and assembly system for the store, combines functionality and aesthetics, enhancing the space.
The carefully arranged lighting plays a fundamental role in highlighting each element and bringing the cozy atmosphere to life. The lines, materials, and even the tones and light evoke our timeless Galicia, its shops, taverns, mountains, and vegetation, a memory of what changes and gives rise to new experiences and memories.